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martes, 13 de diciembre de 2016


Fashion DIY How to make a Waterfall Vest Super Easy and Chic Sweater

2 MINUTE DIY: Cute Wrap/Vest (Cheap and Simple!)

Circle Vest and Cape Demo

viernes, 9 de diciembre de 2016

solicitar OTP


martes, 6 de diciembre de 2016

Reparar wifi se desconecta

domingo, 27 de noviembre de 2016

miércoles, 14 de septiembre de 2016

Las medidas perfectas para tu sala comedor


sábado, 10 de septiembre de 2016

viernes, 9 de septiembre de 2016

sábado, 20 de agosto de 2016

snow white y tomatox caseras


lunes, 4 de julio de 2016


domingo, 3 de julio de 2016

como instalar un porta placa delantero

 Si un individuo se mueve, puede que tenga que instalar una placa frontal si su estado anterior no requería una. Instalación de la placa de matrícula delantera del Ford Focus es un trabajo rápido. Cosas que necesitará 

Taladro Cinta métrica 
lápiz o marcado implementar 
Mostrar más instrucciones 

Retire el soporte de la placa frontal y los tornillos de la cajuela . Este soporte de la placa es proporcionada por el fabricante y se guarda en el maletero para su instalación por el concesionario o el consumidor, si es necesario.
Determine el centro de la defensa delantera y el centro del soporte de la placa frontal con el cinta métrica.
Alinee el centro del soporte de la placa frontal con el centro de la defensa y dibujar pequeñas marcas en el interior de los orificios de los tornillos para marcar los puntos de perforación.

Utilice el taladro para perforar un agujero piloto centrado en cada uno de los puntos de perforación. Frese hasta aproximadamente 1/2-pulgada o menos en profundidad, utilizando una broca 1/16- o 1/8-inch.
Inserte la placa frontal en el soporte de la placa frontal.
centrar el soporte de la placa frontal y la placa de modo que los agujeros de perforación y la línea de soporte de la placa frontal hacia arriba.
Inserte un tornillo en cada uno de los agujeros en la parte delantera soporte de la placa y el parachoques. Apriete ellos.
prueba la seguridad de la placa tirando suavemente. Apriete los tornillos si es necesario. 

Intalação da Placa lateral Lancer

domingo, 12 de junio de 2016

DIY Candelabro / Chandelier

DIY Sequin Lamp Shade

DIY Faux Capiz Chandelier

DIY Room Decor Ideas

Baño amarillo y negro

Behr Brown teepee

.Kitchen: We had plans to paint it the same blue as the half bath, but our realtor suggested we use the brown teepee in there as well.  We now call our house "tan house."

Goby desert

Gift-wrapped Toilet

Enmarcar Espejo de Baño con cinta scotch de color

bathroom mirror frame diy

Gobi Desert BERH paint Remodelacion de Baño

I spent less than $100. Here is what I bought:
  • Wall Paint – $0.00 (I used left-over paint – Behr Gobi Desert – from my living room painting project)
  • Cabinet/Door Paint – $13.96 (1 Quart Behr Premium Plus High Gloss Black paint)
  • Cabinet Door Handles – $10.00 ($4.99 each but 50% off at Hobby Lobby)
  • New Medicine Cabinet – $49.00 (Glacier Bay Recessed Medicine Cabinet from Home Depot)
  • Mirror Trim – $15.00 (Window casing trim from Home Depot)
  • Liquid Nails – $6.00
DIY Bathroom Makeover for Under $100 - find out how I transformed my out of date bathroom for under $100 and in only one weekend. And for more great Home Project Crafts follow us on Pinterest.

miércoles, 8 de junio de 2016

lunes, 30 de mayo de 2016

DIY Tela en las paredes

Starching fabric to walls is one of my all time favorite projects because the results are always so fantastic.
Matt and I have tackled the project of starching fabric to walls at least three times in residences, and then we took the whole process on the road one year as well.  Why do I mention this?  Well, because many people wonder about the sturdiness of starching fabric to the walls and I’m here to say that it works.  We carried three 8 foot starched fabric walls around with us, shoving them into our van, carrying them through home shows and just generally abusing them, and the fabric never budged.
Bathroom with Fabric Starched to the Walls -
I guess this means that in your home, with regular wear and tear, starched fabric could stay on the walls forever!! However, the beauty of this process is that the opposite also holds true as well.  If you want to get the fabric off of the walls, simply pick at a corner of the fabric and pull.  It will come off without harming the wall and you can even wash and use the fabric again if you like.  This makes this technique perfect for people who move alot, like to change their decor often, or for those living in aprtments where altering the walls is frowned upon. If you are interested, here is the step by step instruction.
Materials List:
  • Tela de tu preferencia
  • Several bottles of almidon para tela
  • Espatula para aplicar tapiz
  • Scissors or
  • Push pins
  • Drop cloth
  • Paper towels
  • Sponge
  • Fabric Tip:Good quality decorator fabrics work very nicely for this technique, as do sturdy cottons.  To keep your sanity, consider using a pattern that may not need to be matched and stay away from stripes and plaids…at least for your first try!  Overall patterns work great, like paisleys, florals and geometrics! 
Instructions:Fabric Soaking in Starch -
1.  Start by measuring the height of the wall space to be covered, add 6” to this dimension, and cut out your fabric strips.
2.  Methodically dip the fabric panel into the starch and make sure that the entire piece is coated on the front and back.  It doesn’t need to be dripping, just wet all over with starch. Try to sqwueegee some of the starch out of the fabric as you pull it out of the bucket or sink to save the starch and keep it from dripping all over the floor.
Installing First Strip of Fabric with Starch -
3.Straighten out the fabric panel by holding it up with two hands at the upper corners and then go to the wall.  Place the fabric into position and press it on the wall into place.  Allow the first panel of fabric to wrap slightly around the corner.  Use your hands or the espatula to get out all the bubbles.
Use Push Pins to Hold Fabric in Place - MattandShari.comI used push pins to hold one end of the fabric in place while I smoothed the other end.
Trim Off Excess Fabric -
4.  Once the fabric is smooth on the wall, you need to trim off the extra at the top and bottom.  I used a very sharp navaja and a flat blade just like I would with wallpaper. The type of fabric you use will determine your cutting and trimming method.  My fabric was woven so the loose threads kept unraveling which was a big problem.  I found that if I waited until the starch was dry it was easier to cut a straight, unfrayed edge.   If you use a regular printed cotton fabric, it won’t do this.
Tips for Trimming Around Plumbing -
Tip: If you need to cut around pipes or outlets, simply press your fabric in place the best you can, push pin it in areas slightly away from the area you are cutting out, and start with a small slit made with scissors.  Once you verify that the small slit is in the right location, cut a larger slit until you can push the pipe through or find the edges of the outlet to cut around.  Just take it slowly and you’ll be fine.
Last, let me mention that I did get a little bit of bubbling once the fabric had dried and stiffened.  To remedy this I grabbed a paint brush and some starch and painted the starch over the bubbly area to saturate it again and I pressed it in place.  This worked well and everything is still lying as flat as can be.
Hot Glue Braided Trim as a Finishing Touch -
If by some chance you have jagged edges that need to be covered up, purchase a braided trim and silicon it along the edge for a nice finishing touch. I used this to hide the staples on the fabric I upholstered to the wall but it would work on the starch as well.
In another article I’ll explain the upholstering method.  It isn’t as difficult as it sounds and the results are amazing.


Si tenemos grietas o rajas en una parte de nuestra casa y las hemos reparado una y otra vez y siguen abriéndose y rajándose, es porque no las hemos arreglado correctamente.
Si quieres saber como arreglar una grieta o raja en la pared sigue leyendo.
Normalmente para arreglar una grieta utilizamos masilla normal, lo que para un corto periodo de tiempo está bien, pero a la larga volverá a romperse porque la masilla normal no es elástica y al dilatar se rompe otra vez.
Podemos hacerlo de dos maneras, una es con masilla elástica de fibra de vidrio ( 5€ 2Kg ) y otra es con venda para grietas ( 5€ )aproximadamente.
Cuando nos dispongamos arreglar la grieta lo primero que debemos hacer es abrir la grieta con una espátula. Tenemos que abrir mucho mas la grieta para sanearla. Luego limpiamos todo el escombro que haya quedado en la grieta con un cepillo.
Si la grieta es ancha y no muy profunda utilizaremos la venda. Cortamos un trozo de venda igual de largo que la raja y la pegamos con masilla normal, le daremos las manos que haga falta de masilla hasta que la venda no se vea, normalmente con dos manos es suficiente. Luego lijaremos la venda y ya podemos pintar encima. De esta forma la venda refuerza la masilla e impide que vuelva a romperse y aparecer la grieta
Si la grieta es profunda pero no muy ancha, utilizaremos masilla elástica de fibra de vidrio. La particularidad de esta masilla es que al ser elástica, cuando la grieta vuelva a dilatarse o a moverse, la masilla evitara que se rompa. Una vez hemos dado la masilla elástica y esté seca, aplicaremos masilla normal para dejarlo liso, lijaremos cuando esté seca la masilla y luego pintaremos.

como reparar grieta en pared

Se podría usar espuma, introducir cánula dentro grieta, rellenar, esperar a que seque, recortar sobrante incluso un poco más para 1 cm. De revestido, alisar, lijar, pintar dos manos. Esta opción sería la más fácil de acometer.
Otra opción es abrir más la grieta, rellenar con mortero de cemento tratando de quede lo más compacto posible dentro de la grieta, rellenando lo más posible; cada 60 cm. Hacer una roza y agujeros para poner una grapa (trozo hierro en forma de U), rellenar y tapar, alisar y posteriormente pintar.
En las dos opciones habría que pintar toda la pared. Se puede pedir consejo también al pintor, la grieta al ser grande puede quedar marcada en la pared, incluso cuando la pared esté pintada es posible que se note más. Cabria la posibilidad de volver a revestir toda la pared

Reparación de grieta en pared exterior con grapas TITO

domingo, 22 de mayo de 2016

Secretos para vender una casa rapido

Interview with Tori Toth: Home Staging Secrets for a Quick Sell

I am so excited to share an interview today that I got to do with Tori Toth, a New York City based home staging expert!  I have always found the process of selling and buying a home fascinating.
When looking online you can usually tell which homes have been staged for sale and which haven’t.  My first experience with a stager occurred 3+ years ago when we sold our condo.
My realtor felt so strongly that a stager was integral to the process of selling a home that she personally paid for a stager to come to everyone of her client’s homes before they put their home on the market.
I learned a lot from my stager about how to market my home to potential buyers and I’m excited to share Tori’s words of wisdom on the topic!

 Tori Toth How to stage a home for sell

So let’s begin the Q&A!

Provident Home Design:
1.  Of all the home improvement projects one can do (and there are a lot), when it comes time to sell which improvements make a house sell faster?   

I always find that home improvement projects that make the house sell fastest is when you paint, update the flooring, and replace light fixtures.
Paint can instantly update a tired old space and make it look, feel, and smell like new again – especially if the walls were covered in wallpaper.
The same goes for flooring, wood flooring that’s scratched can be refinished with a top coat for an instant shine and if you have outdated, stained carpet it’s best to get rid of it and replace with a more affordable material. For details on those check out this video: 
Light fixtures are an easy way to tell if the home has been maintained throughout the years and can show the home’s actual age. So, if you have older fixtures, spend some money on replacing them.

Provident Home Design: 
1b. Which DIY projects increase the home’s value the most?

If you have some money to spend, I’d say make sure to update the kitchen, then the bath, and then curb appeal. The kitchen, as we know, is the heart of the home and it should feel light, bright and spacious with updated appliances and countertops. Most bathrooms get used and abused. They should look white glove clean, so replace old tile, vanities and tubs. Curb appeal and adding landscaping can give you a 215% return on your investment according to Homegains 2012 Top 1- DIY Home Improvements for Sellers. This is an important area because it’s the first thing buyers will see and sets the tone of what to expect inside.

Provident Home Design:
 2.   What are the best paint colors for selling a home?  Do you have any go-to-favorites?    

It’s important to stick to neutral tones on your walls, unless you know your particular buyer will like a splash of color. You find this out by researching your neighborhood and putting together a buyer profile. Neutral tones are not just the “blah” real estate beige — here are some of my go-to colors:
Halo, it’s from Benjamin Moore’s off white collection and it’s not only sophisticated but has endless possibilities when it comes to playing up other colors. This color is so versatile…
 Best paint colors to sell a house

Benjamin Moore Silver Fox – it’s not really silver, but actually looks more like a gray-beige which is a good color combination to use in a room that you want to feel warm and cozy. When you put this color on your walls it’s almost as if you’re wrapping a blanket around you, so get comfy.
best paint colors to sell a house

The next color is a blue gray and its called Eternity from Benjamin Moore. I absolutely love this color and I’ve recommended it at least a dozen times to use in bathrooms, bedrooms, and even family rooms. It’s in my bedroom now and it’s a great color because it changes depending on the light being reflected. It’s a great color for southern facing rooms.
best paint colors to sell a house

Provident Home Design: 
2b.  I’ve always wondered, if you have a kid’s room painted in blue or pink or purple is that a turn off to potential buyers?

Kids’ rooms are usually secondary rooms to be staged and don’t affect the sale as much so you can have colorful kids’ rooms — unless the color is making the space look smaller than it actually is. At the end of the day we want to showcase maximum square footage. If you have a darker color on the wall, make sure the furniture and accessories in the room are light and bright.

Provident Home Design:
3.   In your book you touch on the emotional side of buying and selling a home.  What are some of the simplest ways to elicit a positive emotional response from potential buyers?

If you’ve researched your potential buyer, you’ll have a better idea of what they like, collect, and spend time doing. Once you know this you can use that to display moments in time that the buyer can emotionally connect to. So maybe it’s showcasing a place to entertain a sports fanatic in the basement or where you can spend time reading to a child.

Buyers like to envision themselves in the space and are really looking for how they’ll utilize it, so try to physically display these moments. Overall consider the buyer. Would the buyer want to step over your mess on the floor to see the bathroom? Or see your dirty dishes? Be considerate of their time and have clean, organized spaces that they can actually consider living in and that will instantly put them in a better mood as they tour your home.

Provident Home Design:
 4.   We all have our personal styles when decorating our home but are there certain styles of decorating that sell better?

The design style of your home depends on the architectural style of the space, what you already have in the home, and what your buyer would like. It’s usually a combination of styles because you need to stay true to the home’s architectural style, but not all colonial homes need to be traditional. I would say the overall design style that sells better is transitional because it mixes the traditional with modern/contemporary style.

Provident Home Design: 
 5.   You’ve mentioned curb appeal, how important is curb appeal?  Do you have any tips for increasing curb appeal?

 First impressions can make or break a sale, and curb appeal is the first impression being made with the buyer so it is extremely important.

Curb Appeal
  • Stay on top of your front landscaping, mow the lawn and trim bushes.
  • Power wash the home and sidewalks.
  • Add a welcome mat and potted plants around doorway.
  • Paint your door to update the look of your home, update the hardware.
  • Place a wreath or arrangement on your door.
  • Remove all toys, figurines from the front yard.
  • Clean all your windows.
  • Update lighting and house numbers. Make sure they match.
  • Repair the roof, gutters and update exterior paint if peeling.   

Provident Home Design:
6.  When you go to sell a home do things behind closed doors (like closets and cabinets) need to be staged?

One of the first things buyers look for in a home is space, especially more storage space. It’s ideal to go through all your closets, kitchen cabinets or any cabinets that are provided in built-ins. Buyers are nosey and they want to know what they’re buying so focus on organizing and packing up items you won’t need while on the market.

 Provident Home Design:
6b.  What would you like people to know about the importance of staging a home?

Today’s home buyers are looking for move-in ready homes and that’s what home staging does. It gets the home prepared for sale and the next homeowners. Home staging will help you stand out amongst your competition if you live in a competitive market. It also makes the home easier to market because it will provide amazing photos to show online, which is where most buyers go to search for their next home. Home staging can also get you more offers and can increase the price of the home or, at the very least, justify the price the home seller is looking for.
A big thanks to, Tori, for letting me interview her and allowing me a sneak peek at her book coming out August 4th!  If you have any interest on the topic of home staging and/or how to sell a house quickly then you will definitely enjoy her book!  You can check it out  (affiliate link used for your convenience)!
How to sell a house fast

If you know anyone getting ready to sell their home feel free to share this post with them!
The stager I used suggested having fresh yellow flowers in the home or on the porch because psychologically the color yellow indicates value or that you are getting a good deal.  Our condo only had 5 showings before it sold, so who knows?
Til next time!mail Addres
Top Paint Colors to Sell a Home
Home Staging Secrets
 Top Paint Colors to Sell a Home

How to Organize you Home

Home Staging Tips: Arranging Living Room and Bedroom Furniture

claves para subirle volumen a telefonos LG

jueves, 19 de mayo de 2016

sábado, 2 de abril de 2016

arreglar monitor de laptop

Como solucionar problema de parpadeo de pantalla en las HP dv5

Hace tiempo, la pantalla de mi laptop empezó a parpadear sin razón aparente; salían lineas horizontales blancas (algunas veces verticales) como si se tratara del ruido en las señales de las televisiones. Era realmente molesto a veces pero lo "solucionaba" con solo cambiar de posición la computadora o con abrir y cerrarla.

Les dejo un video para que se den una idea:

La solución a este problema es realmente sencilla y sobre todo barata :)

Todo radica en lo que puede ser un error de diseño que provoca que el cable encargado de envíar la señal de video se desconecte provocando las molestas líneas.

Para realizar la reparación sigue estos sencillos pasos:

1. Desconecta el cable de alimentación y retira la batería.

2. Necesitas quitar 8 tornillos en total, todos en la parte inferior de la computadora: 2 en las esquinas, 3 en un extremo y 3 más donde se coloca la batería.

3. Desarma con cuidado el panel donde se encuentran los controles de volumen y el botón de apagado. No será necesario que lo quites por completo, podrás alcanzar el cable sin problema.

4. Ajusta bien la conexión y asegurate de el cable este bien colocado como se ve en la imagen.

Con mucho cuidado, empuja el conector si lo ves suelto.

De esta forma ya no tendrás problema y no habrás gastado ni un solo centavo (a menos de que tengas que comprar un desarmador).

Espero que con esto ya no tengan problemas con la pantalla de su laptop.

Fuente (en italiano).

Nota: Por los artículos que pude leer en Internet, también algunos modelos de HP son afectados, en ese caso te recomiendo que descargues el manual de usuario correspondiente antes de que intentes este método para que no tengas dudas en cómo desarmar tu máquina; existen también otros problemas similares de parpadeo y muchas fuentes sugieren métodos parecidos por lo que puedes probar con éste antes de gastar en alguna refacción. Si decides llevar a cabo las instrucciones que describo en esta entrada recuerda que lo haces bajo tu propio riesgo, yo solo te comparto mi experiencia esperando que te sirva tanto como a mi.
No creo que este de más recordarte que si tu equipo aún cuenta con garantía lo mejor es que la hagas válida.

por que mi portatil enciende pero la pantalla no prende (solucion)

sábado, 20 de febrero de 2016

miércoles, 20 de enero de 2016

martes, 5 de enero de 2016

sábado, 2 de enero de 2016